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Component file structure

Component directories follow by BEM file structure organization and contains all files of component.

Below presented typical file structure of components, in fact a block may have not some components or have unlisted here components, for clarification see to docs for specific component.

File structure

  • ComponentName.tsx - basic component (block)
  • __examples__ - directory with examples a usage of components
  • ComponentName@platform.tsx - basic platform-specific version of component that extends a basic component
  • _modName - directory of boolean modifier with name modName
    • ComponentName_modName.css - styles of mod
    • ComponentName_modName.tsx - declaration of mod
  • _otherModName - directory of key-value modifier with name otherModName
    • ComponentName_otherModName_value1.css - styles of mod with value value1
    • ComponentName_otherModName_value1.tsx - declaration of mod with value value1
    • ComponentName_otherModName_value2.css - styles of mod with value value2
    • ComponentName_otherModName_value2.tsx - declaration of mod with value value2
  • ElementName - directory of element with name ElementName
    • _modName - directory of boolean modifier with name modName for element ElementName
      • ElementName_modName.css - styles of mod
      • ElementName_modName.tsx - declaration of mod
    • ElementName.css - styles of element
    • ElementName.tsx - declaration of element
  • ComponentName.assets - directory with resources of components, such as images, fonts, etc.
  • ComponentName.bundle - directory with composed components with all features, named by pattern platform.tsx
    • platform.ts - contains composed component for a specific platform
  • - directory with additional docs
  • ComponentName.hocs - directory with High Order Components for this block
  • ComponentName.registry - directory for DI files
    • index.ts - contains only registry interface, without implementation
    • platform.ts - contains registry object for a specific platform
  • ComponentName.tests - directory with tests of component
  • ComponentName.tokens - directory with design tokens for component

Under platform.tsx meaning name for specific platform, for example desktop.tsx, mobile.tsx or touch.tsx.

Here displays file structure examples of source, therefore used .ts and .tsx files, but package contains compiled .js files with .d.ts headers.